Welcome to HTH Youth. We have loads of things to plug into as part of our regular programme for young people. The HTH Youth Team is made-up of volunteers and staff who are focused on helping and supporting young people in their lives.

Our heart for HTH Youth is best captured in a verse from the Bible written by the Apostle Paul in a letter to Timothy - a young follower of Jesus:

Do not let people look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.
— 1 Timothy 1:12

We long to see a generation called out to live by faith and passionately following Jesus.

Connect Groups

These are our midweek gatherings offering an intentional space to connect with other young people, bringing joy and fun into the week as we explore scripture, worship, and pray together. There is always something to eat and drink. Creating a community which nurtures young people in their spiritual, emotional, and physical wellbeing as they journey towards adult life as a follower of Christ. 

Years 7-10

Wednesdays │ 19:30-21:00 │ HTH Hall

The midweek crazy with games, activities, and engaging teaching. 

Dates for this term:

Years 11+

Thursdays │ 19:30-21:00 │ HTH Hall

Exploring faith, going deeper into the scriptures, exploring the big questions.

Dates for this term:


The 10:30

We gather every Sunday during the 10:30 service, a chance to worship, check-in, have fun, and pray.


A monthly evening service at the church set aside for our young people who hunger for the presence of God, dedicated to prayer, worship, teaching.

Upcoming events


    Sunday 9th March | 5.30-9.30

    What does it mean to ‘walk with Jesus’? Come and explore the amazing adventure of faith at our monthly youth service.


    Friday 14th March | 5.30-7.30

    A drug-addicted, homeless, football hooligan turned Christian evangelist comes to tell his story! Don’t miss it! There will be burgers too! 🍔


    Sunday 13th April | 5.30-7.30

    Journey with us at the beginning of Holy week, looking towards Jesus and the cross.

  • DEEPER with YWAM

    Sunday 11th May | 5.30-7.30

    We’ll be joined by the team from Youth With A Mission, looking at living all in for Jesus!

The Youth Team


    Despite his well advanced years, Dave is essentially just a big kid who loves football, watching marvel movies with his wife, and making a fool of himself with his kids. He may not take himself too seriously, but he does take Jesus seriously. Dave is also an ordinand training for ministry in the Church of England

  • Kids & Youth Associate

    A total bookworm, and while she may be a gentle soul (most of the time) Bethanna has one superb set of pipes - girl sure can sing. When she’s not nose deep in a book or wrangling kids at church, Bethanna can be found hanging out with her husband Josh and three young girls.


At HTH Church we aim to provide a safe and caring environment for children and young people (under the age of 18) who are entrusted into our care. We recognise and value their unique status as individuals, to respect them and listen to them. We will strive to achieve the highest standards in all pastoral, counselling, educational, worship and recreational activities.

Click here to view our Safeguarding Policy.