What is HTH Angels?
We have a big vision for this region of the South Coast, but the challenges in seeing this vision come alive are huge. Hastings is a beautiful town, with so much creativity and promise, but also some significant challenges. HTH is situated in the Castle Ward of Hastings where over 33% of children are living in poverty and is 68 out of 9,500 wards in terms of crime deprivation nationally. Unemployment rates are over double the county average and Hastings has the highest rate of youth unemployment in East Sussex. There are significant social, spiritual and financial challenges.
We have sensed God speaking to us recently about providing ‘angels’ for our church. Our church architecture has numerous angels dotted around the building and is built in the old parish of St Michael the Archangel. Angels, pray, guard and protect. We sense there are people who are not part of HTH who would love to partner with us by hearing more about our progress, praying for the work and investing financially to support this vision – becoming an ‘HTH Angel’.
We would love to share our vision with you and also the progress and challenges we face. Every six months we will share some of the exciting things happening that inspire us, including stories of changed lives. We would also love to tell you about some of the challenges we are facing so that you might join with us by praying.
We hope that by signing up to partner with us and being part of this adventure will enable you to pray for the work here. We believe that God’s power changes lives, bringing hope, freedom and transformation. We would love a company of people who are behind us in prayer, asking God to bless and multiply all the good things that are happening here.
Along with partnering and praying we would love to invite you to invest financially in all that is going on here. Giving monthly to HTH will enable all that we are doing with the young and the marginalised to continue and expand. The significant issues people face here give us a unique opportunity to see lives radically changed.
How to set up a standing order
Our preferred method of giving is standing order. This helps us build towards the future.
To set up a standing order, simply log in to your online banking or visit your local bank branch.
Bank: CAF Bank Account Name: Holy Trinity Hastings PCC
Sort Code: 40-52-40 Account Number: 00011077
Please use the reference 'HTH Angels'.
Gift Aid
Boost your donation by 25p of gift aid for every £1 you donate. If you’re a UK taxpayer, please check if we can claim Gift Aid on your gift.
To allow us to claim gift aid on your behalf, you can complete the declaration below.
Becoming a HTH Angel
If you would like to become a HTH Angel, please fill out the form below or email Simon and Sarah at hthangels@hthchurch.org.